Hi there, first blog "post"!!! Like the blog index says, I have no idea how to streamline this at all so I guess I'll be making individual html pages for each thought.

Seeing as it's almost the new year, it feels fitting that I talk about my goals for the new year so far.

In regards to this site, in this blog section I'd like to be able to make at least a few posts now and then; at the moment I'm thinking a post that discusses Ghost albums in terms of a recommendation for what someone might like to listen to.

Aside from that, I'm taking some trips for once in 2025 so I'm going to talk about those! They're busy enough that I feel like I can talk about those freely. Hopefully I remember to take my non-digital camera with me to take some pictures.

Outside of my site, I'd also like to be able to get a proper internship/student job, I think. Would make things a bit easier and get me some needed experience, especially because I've mostly done simple, theoretical stuff and like one capture the flag exercise.

Anyhow, hope that anyone reading this has a happy New Year! Have some fun tomorrow!